> -----Original Message-----
> From: Garth Serjeantson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I've seen several different ways of doing this.  I was wondering if
> there is a general consensus on which is the best way of 
> configuring SA for PF on a RH8 box.  Any thoughts?

I make a non-privileged user account to pipe the messages to using Procmail.
Using the ${sender} ${recipient} variables for content_filter, I can carry
the envelope sender and recipient.  In my recipe, I can then use formail to
inject a custom header line that I can use in later checks.

The recipe looks like:
SENDER = "<$1>"
SHIFT  = 1
RCPT=| echo "$@"
RECIPIENT= `echo $RCPT | /bin/sed 's/^/</; s/ /> </g; s/$/>/'`

:0 fhw
| (formail -A "X-Merlin-MailFrom: $SENDER") \
| (formail -A "X-Merlin-RcptTo: $RECIPIENT")

This has really helped for custom header verifications.

SA is one of the checks that I perform via Procmail.  Because Procmail is
the processor, I can use as many filtration engines as I want or need.  I
only need to use SA but I have the flexibility to add or test whenever

Bottom line is that, although cryptic at times, Procmail adds a lot of
flexibility for your own customization.  I wrote a Webmin module to
administrate the gateway which includes the recipe structure.

You are right though, there are a lot of ways to solve the same problem. 


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