> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 1:48 AM
> Subject: [SAtalk] How to get SAproxy to work with Outlook Express - my
> configuration
> No doubt - like the rest of you I HATE spam, to that end I 
> have been using
> SpamCop.net for the last 6 months or so. Then I read Consumer 
> Reports and
> found out about SAproxy - just what I was looking for! It 
> installed in 5
> minutes like an earlier emailer said - but it doesn't work, I 
> followed all
> of the installation directions and it still doesn't work. The SAproxy
> application hangs and I can not retrieve my email from 
> earthlink. I have to
> fire up the Task Manager and kill SAproxy.exe - it was out 
> somewhere in the
> ether (not responding).
> My configuration:
> 1) Linksys Wireless Access Point Router (NAT'ed addresses)
> 2) Zone Alarm personal firewall
> 3) Symantec Anti-Virus
> 4) Win2K
> 5) Outlook Express
> 6) Earthlink is ISP
> I did the:
> Tools
>   Account
>     Mail
>       Earthlink
>        Properties
>          Server
> Incoming Mail (POP3)
> Account Name: myaccountname:pop.earthlink.net
> It never works....
> Then I did the above but:
> Account Name:myaccountname
> I edited the Host Map file and added:
> 110 = pop.earthlink.net:110
> SAproxy.exe still hangs
> Any thoughts.
> Steve

Are You using an antivirus for email like NOrton? I know there is saome
conflict there.


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