On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 12:31:32PM +0200, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

> >Hey - that was a good one! I wonder why I've never received a copy - I feel
> >left out! Perhaps there's a Nigerian Scam mailing list I ought to subscribe

> I take it you're attending our conference?

I've booked - but I think I'll pass on the cricket!

Seriously though, I sort of miss the Nigerian scams and am thinking of
letting them through. I like the old fashioned, courteous language they use.
They're particularly appealing if you imagine them spoken with a Nigerian
accent in a baritone voice (though not necessarily RP, English is often
spoken very well by African speakers - far more precise than the 'Esturial
English' I speak!).

Regards: Jim Ford

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