Erm ... _no_, actually. What's in the vicinity of line 420 of
on the machine with the problem?

I've got the same thing you do on like 420 that you have on Line 407. In fact what you have and what I have (I've got SA v2.55) are almost 100% identical.

lines 403-405. This appears to be the area in which your
is giving up the ghost, or so I suspect.

Well, not the same line numbers, but yes.

Is it possible that your firewall is blocking razor2 access from
inside the protected network?

Nope. Cause from what I've seen in the logs it doesn't bomb out all the time. It seems to do it at random. If it did it every time I'd be paniced. But since it seems to be random, I was curious if it was something to worry about or not and if it was how to fix it.

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