
Osirusoft and bl.spamcop.net are back up here.



Tony Earnshaw wrote:

Tim wrote:

P.s: your score was much to low, considering your 2.60. You need to start using RBL and DCC checks at the least (avoiding anything to do with OSIRUS, at the moment - DoS death, namely.)

Sorry, I am using a single machine on a 56K dialup connection, and network
checks can be very time-consuming. I would rather have a large whitelist.

Hmmm ... what do you think this machine is? Well, it's a Compaq Presario 700EA AMD Duron 900 MHz notebook, 128 MB-minus RAM, running Red Hat 7.2+++++, BIND 9.22, Postfix 2.0.13 snapshot, amavisd-new, Courier Imap, Mozilla 1.4, Openldap 2.1.22, full SASL support, iptables etc., etc.

56Kb Conexant HSF modem for Internet *and* SA 2.60-CVS with full DCC/RBL support. I've more than bandwidth enough for DCC/RBL support, as long as I pay attention to which RBLs are dead at the moment (ORBS and OSIRUS). Don't like my phone bills though, I'll admit.

Actually, I get very few 'false positives'--haven't had one since upgrading to 2.60

It's the false negatives I'm out after ;)


The same :-)


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