On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 21:35:04 +0200, Tony Earnshaw wrote
> ... it's an example of what the new Postfix snapshot with amavisd-
> new as smtp proxy and points-modified SA 2.60-CVS can do.
> This is what [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets mailed, every time spam 
> is cesspitted. Cesspitting doesn't just mean that an smtp 550 
> refusal is given, it also means that the mail is saved to a 
> quarantine directory - so no mail ever gets "lost" to the recipient.
> I have cron run a script every night with a summary of what has been 
> refused the previous 24 hours.
> I admit to having marked up most of the RBL points. I've done it in 
> the light of my own empirical experience, YMMV.
> Sorry that it doesn't fit into the 76 character corset ...

I like this. I think I am going to first install Postfix 2 from rawhide, then
amavisd-new, and then venture into the snapshot world. 

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