I'm using the following command to "feed" SpamAssassin the email messages.

my $status = $spamobj->check_message_text($EmailMessageHeadersAndBodyHere);

The "major" problem I'm having now is that if there are any quote (") marks
anywhere in the message ($EmailMessageHeadersAndBodyHere), then
check_message_text() chokes and dies.

I get error messages like the following for every quote (or at least for
every first quote in a pair of quotes):

"Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 11) line 81, near
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 69)
(Missing operator before subscribe?)"

A related problem is that if I replace every quote (") mark in the
"sample-nonspam.txt" file with a backslash and quote (\"), then
I get PGP_SIGNSTURE AND TO_MALFORMED for "tests" and a "hits" number of -1.4
when I use check_message_text() on the message.

*BUT*, when I do

spamassassin < sample-nonspam.txt

I get only PGP_SIGNATURE for tests and a hits number of -2.9.

Also, if I replace every quote (") in the sample-nonspam.txt file with a
backslash and quote (\") and feed sample-nonspam.txt back to spamassassin
again , then I get the same PGP_SIGNATURE for tests and a hits number
of -2.9 again.

Any ideas how to deal with these quote marks in the check_message_text()


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