Chris Santerre wrote:
Did my list give you the rule writing sickness Bill? ;)
I'm in for a rule forum for sure! I just keep writing more rules every
week. But to make it separate will not work. The SA developers should
be part of the discussion, as they may have better insight as to what
the next SA ruleset will have.
I may write a rule that is already covered in a spam_phrases rule.
I've done it before. Sometimes the default rules don't hit all the
time do to OBFU. So a custom rule can do a better job.
This list has been my BEST source for rule writing. (and a FAQ for
perl regex.) I have everyone to thank every morning when my spamtrap
is full.
(still learning to write better regex)
-----Original Message-----
*From:* Nichols, William [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:02 PM
*To:* Spamassassin-List
*Subject:* [SAtalk] Custom Rules Forum? Listing?
Is there a forum, list or anything for custom rules that people
have tested, are coming up with?
If not would anyone be interested in one?
I have an unused forum site at that may used if you want.
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