At Wed Jul  9 14:52:14 2003, Matt Andreko wrote:

> My problem is this.  The Vircom mail server lets you alter the message
> before it gets put into the incoming spool.  I get a filename that each
> message will be, then I can alter it, save it back, and then it gets
> delivered to local accounts.  I am having troubles coming up with a command
> to get this to work.  I was trying to get either a batch file, or a simple
> custom app to do something like this psuedo logic:
> Spamassassin < file_from_vopmail > file_to_disk Delete file_from_vopmail
> Move file_to_disk file_from_vopmail
> However since batch scripts will send the execute to the next item, even if
> the first isn't finished, it tries to delete the file before spamassassin
> has ran, and just doesn't work.  I tried doing a "start /wait
> spamassassin...." but it just hangs, never completing.  A quick VB program


 cmd /c Spamassassin < file_from_vopmail > file_to_disk 
 cmd /c del file_from_vopmail
 cmd /c move file_to_disk file_from_vopmail

I think using "cmd /c" to start the program will make it wait for
completion before moving on to the next line. 

Martin Radford              |   "Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | men just upload their important stuff  -o)
Registered Linux user #9257 |  on ftp and let the rest of the world  /\\
- see |       mirror it ;)"  - Linus Torvalds _\_V

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