> On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, SpamAssassin wrote:
>> Any ideas on how to get SpamAssassin to query one of the
>>  osirusoft mirrors? (Osirusoft has been experiencing
>>   DOS/DDOS on and off for a few weeks, but some of the other
>>  (not *.osirusoft.com) authoritive DNS seem to be working fine.)
>> The SA config is as follows
>> header RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM rbleval:check_rbl('osirusoft,
>> 'relays.osirusoft.com.')
>> Seems like no way to specify the server to query,
>>  and the query suffix separately.
> SA uses the standard DNS client libraries which just hand
>  the query to your DNS servers as configured in your
>  resolv.conf and lets the servers figure things out.
> Rather than try to hack your SA configuration, attack
>  this problem at the DNS level. (i'll assume that you
>  have a "bind" DNS server running on some machine in your
>  org that your SA machine sends its queries to).
> On your DNS machine, add an entry to your named.conf file
>  that sets up a 'type forward' zone for each zone that
>  you wish to customize.
> Then you can list an explicit set of forwarders hosts
>  that point to the "good" servers and ignore the "bad"
>  ones.
> Note that if you go this route, you'll have to remember
>  to keep that explict forwarders list up-to-date.

I don't think that's going to fly.
DNS is not under my direct control.

(SpamAssassin 2.55 on a per user install
 through IMAPAssassin. {perl 5.008}))

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