Hello Jim,

Friday, July 4, 2003, 5:38:36 AM, you wrote:

JF> On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 04:15:31AM -0700, Abigail Marshall wrote:

>> Actually, I think the spam-from-yourself routine is a trick
>> that is created by the sending software, so that everyone is
>> getting spam from themselves --

JF> Thanks for the reassurance! If it becomes a problem I'll filter out emails
JF> addressed from mysel, as I very rarely email myself except for testing
JF> purposes.

I want to clarify a little, because these spammers do ALSO
borrow/steal legit emails - but USUALLY if a spammer is
using your email to send to others, you will know because
you will receive a bunch of bounce messages. So it's not
that it doesn't happen, it's just that receiving a single
email from the spammer isn't really evidence that it is

Note my email address, "webfavor.com"?  It's a domain I own
& use for personal email, not many users on it.  I just
received 2 bounces today for email coming from something like
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" - that's more typical spammer
behavior, borrow my domain name and create a fictional user.
It's bound to happen simply because I use that domain name
for signing up for various subscription lists.


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