
I tried this question a couple of times but I'm kind of desperate so I'll try again.  
Any suggestions would really help me out.

I am calling spamassassin from within my .qmail-default file like this:

| /var/qmail/bin/preline -d /var/qmail/bin/bouncesaying "SPAM Bounce message"  
/var/qmail/bin/except /usr/bin/spamc -c
| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

I know this way works and differentiates the spam and nonspam just fine  EXCEPT:

Any message over the spamassassin default size gets kept in the qmail queue for 
sometimes weeks on end.  It finally delivers but far too late.  I know this is 
spamassassin (or the way I'm calling it) for two reasons.  If I specifiy the email 
size using spamc -s[number] then even more messages get stuck there.  AND when I 
remove the line that calls spamc and then do a qmailctl doqueue all the mail gets 
delivered right away.

So, what might be the best way to call spamc or is this a problem with spamassassin?

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