Hello Abigail,

Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 6:49:53 PM, you wrote:

AM> The email that I posted was text only - it came to me in
AM> that form, I posted full headers including:

AM> Content-Type: text/plain

AM> So there shouldn't be any HTML scoring at all - if there
AM> were any HTML tags in the sample you used my guess
AM> would be that it was an artifact of your own email program
AM> or something happening on the listserver
AM> (my email program does not send HTML encoded messages).

Ah, but you see, I didn't test your message -- I tested an identical
message that reached me here directly from the spammer (I happened to
have seen it in my "test passed it as non-spam" results box, and had just
moved it to my "need to improve the tests" box a couple of minutes before
reading your email to the list.

The email I received here was both text and html. The HTML was
effectively empty -- it had the following tags: html, head, title, /title
(null title), /head, body, table, /table (null table), img (src to
pmted.clk.e-i1.com, which is the local test it matched), /body (no text,
just the img), and /html. I can send you a copy of the message as I
received it if you want.


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