Ok, thanks for the info.I think i will just disable SA being called
through procmail and let MailScanner handle it. Is this the correct way
of doing it?  I have one more question regarding MailScanner and SA. If
I set it to have MailScanner call SA, does SA still use the rules in
local.cf or does it use MailScanners configuration files. In other
words, if I have custom rules, wherte should they be put so that they
still work when MailScanner calls SA?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:28 PM
To: Matt Kettler; Richard Humphrey; Spamassassin-List;
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Conflicting scores in SA/MailScanner

At 18:36 26/06/03 -0400, Matt Kettler wrote:
>At 04:30 PM 6/26/2003 -0500, Richard Humphrey wrote:
>>I just set up MailScanner to run w SA/Sendmail and obviuously
>>isnt configured correctly. Notice the 2 conflicting scores. I want
>>Mailscanner to do virus scanning and let SA take care of the spam. I
>>thought I had this set in the conf file but what did I miss?
>>X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin (score=5.3, required 5,
>>X-Spam-Status: No, hits=4.2 required=5.0
>>X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.55 (
>Configure MailScanner NOT to call spamassassin in your mailscanner.conf
>Either that or ONLY have MailScanner call spamassassin, and stop having
>called separately from procmail or whatever you did to call it a second
>If you opt to have SA called outside of MS, make sure it is called only
>once per email, (ie: only in one of the two sendmails that MS uses) and
>preferably only as a part of the inbound sendmail process, not the
>secondary delivery one.
>Really, IMO, It's going to be tough to have SA called outside MS
>calling it twice. Especially if you're doing something like a sendmail

Shouldn't it be possible to simply check for the presence of
markup before calling it a second time ??

So for example if they wanted to call it as a sendmail milter and also
optionally from procmail during local delivery, it is trivial for the
procmail script to check for existing spamassassin markup before
whether to call SA or not.

Not that I'm suggesting this is a good setup, but it certainly easy to
avoid calling it twice on the same message...


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