Luis Hernán Otegui Administrador de Red Facultad de Ciencias Exactas UNLP ---------------------------------------------------- GNU-GPL: "May The Source Be With You..." ----------------------------------------------------
From: Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Luis Hernán Otegui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Re: spammers aren't the only ones who can teach. (was We TEACH you how
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 11:43:25 -0400
do you have an example of a dummy message? just curious.
On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 11:24 AM, Luis Hernán Otegui wrote:
Do you have any proof about that last point? I don't think spammers ever examine bounces, or do any sort of management on their lists whatsoever. It would simply add to their costs.
Well, most spams I get come from my country, Argentina, and the soberane idiots (aka meta-spammers), tend to verify each address before they release a new version of their evil CDs containing <QUOTE> "bases de datos con más de seis millones de direcciones de email, chequeadas y verificadas una por una"</QUOTE>.
They send dummy messages to each account, and if they get accepted by the MTA, they include that address in the next release of the databases. I relay on the ability of SA to recognize (via sa-learn in some cases) this dummy messages. Luckily for my users & me, most of them get stoppped by the Spamass-Milter-SA duet, so they remove the rejected addresses.
You see, most of the internet cavemans that dare to <QUOTE>"publicitar su producto sin restricciones, en forma anónima y económica"</QUOTE>, buy this CDs from five to ten major providers. So, if I get the addresses off the databases of this providers, I get them out of a lot of copies, and potential spammers.
At least, since I got Spamass-Milter up and running, the number of spams I get to process has decreased.
Luis Hernán Otegui Administrador de Red Facultad de Ciencias Exactas UNLP ---------------------------------------------------- GNU-GPL: "May The Source Be With You..." ----------------------------------------------------
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