Learned something new today ;-)

All other lists that I am signed-up on place the reply-to back to the list
for the convenience.

My mail server is MDaemon and it has an option which I had checked (not
checked by default) that will create a reply-to if one it not found.

Notin' like a good beatin' to learn :-)
I guess I know what that option really does now...

Ben Johansen -
-Authorized WiTango Reseller
-Authorized Alt-N Reseller

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Byrnand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 7:14 PM
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Why is this lists Reply-To: Header set to the
wrong address?

At 18:13 9/06/03 -0700, Ben Johansen wrote:

>So then this list is not setup properly because it is not even issuing a
>Reply-To: Header.
>My Mail server is placing one in there to make up for this discrepency

Reply-To: is an *optional* header. It is not the job of a mailing list to
add one, it is the job of the senders email program to add or not add one.
Most (but not all) do. If Reply-To: doesn't exist, your email program will
(should) reply to the From: header.

Unfortunately your mail system, probably MDaemon, is taking the
Return-Path: header address which is *only* used for mail delivery failure
reports, and adding it as a Reply-To: header. This is *wrong* and against
the RFC's.

Please don't waste time blaiming the list, rather find out why your
mailserver system is incorrectly changing headers...


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