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Hello Mike,

Friday, May 30, 2003, 5:33:59 AM, you wrote:

MARK> [...] I think there is a tiny wealth of spam-classifying
MARK> information available from the set of recipients of a message. 

MS> I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.  My domain gets 20-30
MS> emails every day for a guy who left the company 5 years ago. ... 

MS> ... but I was wondering if this might be something that could be
MS> implemented in a more generic fashion, as I suspect that admins at
MS> most sites could find an old account or two that receives only spam.
MS> For lack of a better term, I guess we could refer to it as a
MS> "blacklist_to" list, and it could be managed in much the same way as
MS> the other black/white lists.

I'd be in favor of it, not just for obsolete accounts, but also
completely bogus accounts. I frequently see spam directed to, or copied
to, email addresses where some spammer obviously fouled up an originally
valid address.  eg: with an email address of [EMAIL PROTECTED], I am
getting many a spam directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Obviously I wouldn't want this to be a +100 blacklist, because on rare
occasion someone sending real email might make this same mistake. But if
we could easily specify a +5 or +10 blacklist, that'd be enough to
eliminate all spam while letting almost all real ham through.

Bob Menschel

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