> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stewart, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 3:16 PM
> Subject: [SAtalk] sa-learn in 2.55 can't really force expire?
> I've got the bayes_expiry_scan_count left at the default 
> (5000, I believe). I'm definitely not getting close to 5000 
> emails in through the box in an hour, so I don't understand 
> why, if I'm expiring manually with sa-learn, that amavisd-new 
> would *ever* try to do expiration.
> Life without bayes isn't fun.
> Maybe what I will do is write a script to run every hour 
> which will first kill off amavisd-new, then run "sa-learn 
> --rebuild --force-expire", and then start amavisd-new back up 
> (followed by a "postfix flush", I suppose). It just sounds 
> like a lot of things could go wrong in that scenario, though...

i set my bayes_expiry_scan_count to 500000 and do a 

# expiry bayes database
0 1 * * * nobody nice -n 19 sa-learn --force-expire 2>&1 >/dev/null

via crontab at 1am.

this has fixed this issue for me... i do 200,000 messages a day, so i
dont want expiry running when accepting a message.  this was causing 300
second delays every 5000th message and putting a hefty load on the


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