> > 
> > Timothy, that's the way that I have my procmmail set up as well. This doen's
> > work that well though for sites which filter on a site-wide basis.
> Yes, that is why I mentioned that I use a standalone machine. It would be 
> a bad idea on a multi-user network.

To be honest I'm not having any performance problems per se, but I've had
the machine crash when the RBL went out and procmail and sendmail took
over the machine.

I've tried to hit a compromise, with max children set at 7 and RBL timeout
set at 7. I've added code to my procmail to whitelist the heaviest
users. Still having a problem.

I'm ready to switch to a "spamd server" but I haven't figured out a decent
way to handle Bayes on a per user basis in a remote machine.


Jack Gostl      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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