I'm glad you followed up on it. But why then, do they NEVER reply to the
answers that people give them? That would be common sense. 

As for conspiracy theories, I don't think you are the real jmason. Someone
stole your identity. The real jmason is trapped in the trunk of a car on the
way to mexico! :)

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 4:10 PM
> To: 'Spamassassin-Talk (E-mail)'
> Subject: Enough with the conspiracy theories! (was Re: [SAtalk] (no
> subject))
> Peter P. Benac said:
> > Ya'll need to realize that this crap is coming from the 
> very people Spam
> > Assassin was designed to block - THE SPAMMER.
> > Think people Spam Assassin doesn't just appear on a PC.  It 
> needs to be
> > installed. Perl needs to be installed, a Mail Transfer 
> Agent needs to be
> > Installed and for it to work with the Outlook Client extra 
> software needs to
> > be loaded.  It is designed to run on the MAIL SERVER not 
> the Mail CLIENT.
> Listen folks -- you are all too conspiracy-minded here.
> Consider this situation:
>   - newbie user A has a dialup account with "Big ISP X", and a website
>     that some local guy wrote for them, hosted at "Small Web Host Y".
>     They don't know very much about how SMTP works; they just 
> occasionally
>     get mail about their shop/club/whatever the website is 
> about.  They
>     probably have a mailto: link there, because that's what 
> websites are
>     supposed to do ;)
>     This, of course, gets spammed.
>   - Small Web Host Y installs SpamAssassin, 'cos they think 
> it'd be a nice
>     thing to do.  *But* they never bother to inform their 
> users, change
>     the default report text, or make it that the users have to opt-in
>     to receive this; they just take the easy way and switch it on
>     globally, with the contact info pointing to 
> http://SpamAssassin.org/ .
>     (This is the big problem BTW.)
>   - The user suddenly notices all their spam talks about SpamAssassin,
>     and -- being a newbie -- assumes SpamAssassin is sending it.
>   - They go to the URL in the mail -- http://SpamAssassin.org/tag/ --
>     this page tells them to ask their ISP.  So they do, and the ISP
>     says "we don't run that" -- because the *web host*, not the ISP,
>     is running it, and they don't know anything about the web host
>     because their website was set up by some local guy, who took
>     care of that detail (they just get a yearly bill from internic
>     or whatever).
>   - So they go looking for an email address to complain about
>     SpamAssassin.  They can't find one (because there isn't 
> one on that
>     /tag page).
>   - They go to the SpamAssassin FAQ.  That does have an address --
>     SpamAssassin-talk -- at the bottom of the page, for FAQ 
> updates.  They
>     mail that address.
>   - Everyone here gets all conspiracy-minded ;)
> The last few people who've mailed here, have fit this 
> profile.   I know,
> because I've followed up on it.
> Anyway, I've fixed the FAQ now to list my address instead of
> SpamAssassin-talk.  I'll do the same on the /tag page.
> --j.
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