Installed SA 2.43 with Perl for Guinevere 2.08a on GroupWise 6
SP1 (SP2 on GWIA) on W2K Pro.  Input SET RES_NAMESERVERS= (where 123... are our DNS servers (two of them)) in
spamassassin.bat file in Perl/bin directory.  When scanning mail the
"looking up MX for '' (or any other name)" returns "MX for
'' exists? 0".  Doing an nslookup from a separate DOS window,
setting the type=mx, at the same time for the same name returns good
results.  Any idea why this is failing?  If I'm understanding it
correctly this is inhibiting the RBL check (I don't see anything that
indicates the RBL check has worked).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Sean P. McGlynn
NYS Division of the Budget

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