On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 01:10:42PM -0600, George Kasica wrote:
> I'm running SA here version 2.11 using the spamd option started as:

you need to upgrade.

> my question is this....Which ones is spamd reading (any or all or ??)

spamd is like spamassassin, except it's a daemon.  So it reads the
configs, in order, from the share area, then your local.cf.

> and more importantly, how and where do I modify these to do the RBL
> lookups from MAPS. The docs are pretty clear for spamassassin but
> foggy on how spamd/spamc works with it.

Any changes you put in local.cf will override the other files (it's read
last), so that is where you want to edit things.

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