On Sunday, Jan 12, 2003, at 22:22 US/Pacific, Brian York wrote:

If anyone is using spamassassinwith CommuniGate Protogether would someone please send me some configuration filesor some a howto on getting them to work. If they go in more than one place zip them in the file structure in the place were they should go.

Email config files to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you don't want to send them to the listserv.

I don't have config files, but I have talked to the Communigate Pro tech people about how to do it. In communigate pro, you can define external filters. The problem is, your only responses indicate to continue processing the message as is, or to disgard the message (I think you can also bounce, but that's not relevant here). If you want Spam Assassin to modify the message (which includes adding new headers), then what you need to do is write a script which will be a wrapper around spam assassin.

If the message has a header that indicates you've already run this program on the message (I suggest NOT basing this upon the spam assassin headers, but upon your own local header, or logging the message id and checking your log). If you've already processed this message, then give the "accept/continue delivering this message" response to communigate pro. If you have not already seen this message, then send it to Spam Assassin, and take the resulting message ... and submit it back to communigate pro as a _NEW_ mail message, while having the script's return value indicate that communigate pro should discard the original message.

I haven't gotten around to writing that script yet (we're still evaluating communigate pro). But their tech support people are very on the ball, so I wouldn't hesitate to ask them for help (I wouldn't ask them to write it for you, but I'd ask them for help debugging something if you write something and it doesn't quite work). I don't know if they're familiar with spam assassin specifically (other than telling me that I need to write something like the above, when I asked them about spam assassin), but I'm sure they could give you some pointers on getting something written.

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