At 11:49 AM 1.12.2003 -0500, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 10:09:21AM -0600, Jack L. Stone wrote:
>> Jan 12 10:01:21 sage-american spamd[91734]: razor2 check skipped: Bad file 
>> descriptor IO::Socket::INET: Interrupted system call      ...propagated at 
>> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 391.
>The problem is typically that the razor servers can't be contacted.
>> But, does the above apply to razor2 as well....???? or should it be changed
>yes.  razor_timeout is for all razor checks.
>> Would appreciate any tips.... maybe disable razor2 completely.... if need
>> be.
>The first thing is to run "razor-admin -discover" and make sure you
>can do a razor-check from the commandline.  Assuming that then works,
>SA should be fine.

Theo: This is wierd. After I did the trace on razor2 IP, the problem
cleared up. Looks like the problem might have been with my DNS server here
and the trace freshened the cache.

Many thanks!

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

Sage American

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