Although it is nice to hear that SA is becoming that successful -
even global players like NAI are getting interested in it -, the
acquisition of Deersoft by NAI will change - and has already changed -
the community project which SA is.

SA is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself, this means a dual
GPL / Artistic license. The Artistic license permits to keep
modifications to the licensed code proprietary.

As stated in [1], Network Associates is strongly devoted to the
"commercial software model" and "prefers to work with proprietary source

It's a great pity that NAI will now profit from the GA, the rulebase,
the eval rules and the formidable Bayes filter without giving back
anything to the project - if I understand the NAI statements correctly.

It's a pity that competent developers have to leave the project because
of this.

It's a pity that one can't do anything to it, because what happens is in
full accordance with the license terms. 

A possible solution to avoid something like this happening to future SA
code again is to change the license terms of SA.

The LGPL, for example, would be a much better choice in my opinion.

The LGPL would still permit commercial users, such as MessageLabs and
also NAI, to use the SA modules in their proprietary software. It would,
however, force them to contribute all the changes, improvements and
bugfixes back to the community project. This would of course apply only
to code which is written in future (not the current codebase).

Any thoughts on this?


(just had to write this down last night. I don't know whether it's my
business to propose something like this [probably not], but I hate
writing something and then throwing it away for nothing)


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