Justin Mason wrote on Mon, 06 Jan 2003 21:49:50 +0000:

> there are some patches now in the CVS version which do a lot of stuff with
> virtual users; might be worth taking a look.

I'm not too eager checking out the CVS version :-)
I think I have a similar problem with SA as Chris encountered. SA/spamd is 
too user-centric. Instead it should be able to take any token and check in 
the mysql database if there is a "name" like this. I don't know if spamd 
would accept usernames like "user@domain" but I assume it does not. If I 
remember correctly the sql schema for the database allows only for 8 
characters which is even somewhat scarce for "real" usernames.

This problem does not occur if you use procmail or similar to feed the 
messages to spamassassin because these mailers are only launched when 
sendmail has already figured out to which user to send to, so there's a 
homedir and "real" username. I'm currently checking out a solution with 
MailCorral/SA which looks quite promissing. MailCorral solves the problem of 
false positives quite neatly by "quarantining" all spam messages. It works 
as a sendmail milter, checks the mail for certain malicious content and then 
hands it over to spamd and waits for the response, possibly very similar to 
spamc. Currently it only hands over the username part of the recipient (or 
maybe it's spamd stripping the domain, I can't determine this, I just see a 
spamd message in the logs like "processing message <...> for 
username:spamd-userid", no message from the milter what it actually handed 
over). So, basically this means that *all* mail going thru the system is 
scanned and if messages to a@domain1, b@domain1 and c@domain1 all go to user 
d there's currently no way for SA to determine a user configuration. If it 
would get (which possibly won't be a problem for the MailCorral programmer 
if not already done so) and handle a fully qualified email address and use 
this for config lookup this would be much better. As an option which can be 
disabled in the local.cf, of course. Now, having configs for a lot of email 
addresses may be somewhat cumbersome to manage for the users, so I think an 
additional option to user per domain config settings instead of per user or 
per email address would be quite handy, especially for ISPs/Webhosting 

Is there something like that in the CVS or intended to implement in the near 
future? (Bad moment to ask now with the recent irritations about the 
NAI/Deersoft deal, I know.)



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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