The biggest problem, even with using the RBLs with SA, is trying to teach my users what SA is... "a mail filter to identify spam". Too many of our users think it's a magic bullet (or worse, they seem to think that a human somehow makes an individual decision as to spam/nonspam), and get damn unhappy with any incorrect tagging, be it FP or FN. If we could work around that, users might tolerate a very aggresive spam setting on .cn and .kr, for instance.
Hmm... Some sites use a web mail interface to let people access probably_spam.

Is there a CGI tool which can be fed a mail folder and emits a table with a link to each message and columns showing the rules which the mail triggered? The cell for each rule might display the rule description or rule name (with rule description popup) and perhaps have a link to more detail (is there a regexp-to-English translator?).

Such a display would help people to see why each spam is blocked and see that there are indeed automated rules being processed.

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