On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 10:58:53AM -0500, Chris Santerre wrote:
> When SA 2.50 goes live, will there be a way to get a pretrained generic
> version or corpus to train with? I haven't gone live with my SA yet, still
> trying different things in the little spare time I have, and I don't have a
> corpus. I think I remember a thread saying there was a public download of
> one. But will this be the best method?

Well, we're off discussing this issue at the moment.  We're going back
and forth between giving out a working, but generic (ie: not terrific) set
of data which you can use to create a database, and enabling autotraining
(so that your incoming messages will train the system for you).

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You have to admit that it's difficult to misplace the Perl sources.  :-)
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