hi whitewolf

on our setup, we use procmail to send all the tagged
messages to /dev/null. i use my own rules and tags as
well as SA rules/tags. on procmail recipe, i have

* ^X-Spam-Status:

the above recipe only sends mails that are tagged

if you are really sure you want to just delete all the
mails that are tagged, your recipe should look like

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

i would advise you think twice on doing this though.
during our tests on spamassassin, there are a lot of
false positives and you might loose legitimate mails.


--- Whitewolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I have SpamAssassin running (2.43) with
> spamass-milter (0.1.2), this is a
> working great and we have the level of spam trapping
> working great, I control email for
> a few domains and all the domains I host want to
> have the spam deleted instead of
> just subject tagged, how do I get a system wide
> install of SA to delete the spam mails
> instead of tagging the subject? I have searched and
> don't see a way to do this system
> wide, just per person, which we don't want.
> Brent

"Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you!!!"

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