Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm, could you explain? If there's no "blacklist_from_rcvd" what 
> purpose would "unblacklist_from_rcvd" fill?

I had submitted a patch into the bugzilla for SA that
implemented a similar concept (if I understand it
correctly).  Effectively it allowed a negation of the
'whitelist_from_rcvd' to support the logic of "whitelist
addresses matching pattern 1 as long as the received headers do
*not* match pattern 2".  This allows me to whitelist all
of our internal company mail that stays within our 

I can lookup the bugzilla report if it's gotten lost in 
the shuffle.


Kurt Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Agilent Technologies Postmaster
Global Messaging Team, Agilent Technologies
(509) 921-3792

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