I'm pretty sure the "scramble-message-id" feature is intended to prevent 
harvest spammers from mistaking your message-id for an email address.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Message-id: <Pine.OSX.>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 09:40:49 +0000 (GMT)
From: Nancy McGough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Procmail Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help me on this one please

On 9 Dec 2002 LuKreme wrote:
> even if you operated your own server (as I do) the message-id should
> properly be formed from your domain name.

As other people have said, the requirement is that the Message-ID
be unique -- there is no requirement that it "should properly be
formed from your domain name." The next version of Pine (4.51)
has a new feature called


I'm using an alpha release of Pine 4.51 to compose this message
and if you check the Message-ID, you'll see it does not contain
my (or any) domain name. I hope there aren't any spam-detection
tools out there that think messages with Message-IDs like this
are spam -- please let me know if there are so I can warn the


       PROCMAIL  <http://www.ii.com/internet/robots/procmail/qs/>
           IMAP  <http://www.ii.com/internet/messaging/imap/isps/>
           PINE  <http://www.ii.com/internet/messaging/pine/>

--  I N F I N I T E  I N K    www.ii.com    N A N C Y  M c G O U G H  --

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