I am very happily running SA w/Amavis on a Cobalt Raq4 for some time now.
There are 60+ domains on the server. Several users have .forward files as
the mails coming into those accounts need to be passed to one or more of the
leave copy in box for User A
User 2 on the server in the same domain (which in most cases is them Fwd'd
to an off server address)
User 3 on the server in the DIFFERENT domain (which in most cases is them
Fwd'd to an off server address)
an address on another server (AOL, yahoo etc..)

These mails being forwarded are being Amavis scanned, but not being passed
thru SA at all. Several times I attempted to write a proc recipie to have
these mails passed thru SA with zero luck. Once I created such a nasty mail
loop I had to shut down sendmail <G>

Tonight I did some research (yet again) on this and found some info at
which states basically SA wont work with virt domains..

Important Warning: Procmail Cannot Reliably Route Users' Messages in a
Virtual Domain

Traditionally an email message arrived at a mail server and the message
transfer agent (MTA) routed it to the appropriate address, possibly passing
it immediately to a separate local delivery agent (LDA), such as Procmail.
Nowadays many people have their own domain name, but do not have their own
mail server and they are not able to route the domain's mail in the
traditional way. Instead, they need to route the mail long after the
messages pass through the MTA that is running on the domain's purported mail
server (i.e., the server pointed to by the domain's MX record). This is
fraught with problems as you will discover if you try to do it. The current
Procmail maintainer, Philip Guenther, summed it up well in a message in the
procmail mailing list where he said:

"You can't do virtual domains in pure procmail, as you need the MTA to
provide you with the original envelope recipient address. Once you have
that, sort the messages on that directly (do *not* use ^TO_)."

In one case this is what I attempted for a recipie:

* ^Subject:.*****SPAM****

   :0 c


In another instance (can't locate the recipie attempt right now tho..) I
tried to effect similair to above but leaving the mail in the users box as
well as forwarding over to another user on the server and a 3rd person on
AOL. This is the one that caused the loop!

The other Q I have is I have created new rules and restarted spamd but the
rules are not recognized. Other times I have done this the rules were
recognized.. but last time they were not. I can not figure out what I did
different and I am 99.9% positive I set these rules up properly.

I will honestly state I learn as needed and know almost nothing at Procmail.
I really could use some help here.. one of these users is a close friend. I
accessed her AOL account the other day and saw 90 out of 100 mails that
would have been trashed as spam had they been passed thru SA.

Please CC me, as I don't frequent the newsgroups that often.. thanks..

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