On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Cheryl L. Southard wrote:
> We are running spamd 2.43 with perl-5.8.0 on our Solaris 2.8 mail
> server.  Every so often, another process on our mail server takes up a lot
> of memory.  For example, we have a 72MB rsync job that runs every night.
> When this happens, my server starts swapping.  Once the server starts
> swapping, the spamd processes almost completely fail to complete, and
> since more incoming e-mail arrives, it gets worse and worse until the
> server grinds to a halt.

Have a look at the QueueLA and RefuseLA options for sendmail to slow it
down when the load gets high. You could also look at splitting the rsync
process into several seperate jobs to keep memory usage down.

Simon Lyall.                |  Newsmaster  | Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Network/System Admin |  Postmaster  | Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ihug, Auckland, NZ          | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz

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