
dailypromotions and our HiSpeed friends (hispeed, h-s-m, hispeed-media, etc)
are all in my qmail badmailfrom.

If anyone would like it, feel free to drop me a line.  Most of them are also
in rbl.axess.com along with most dsl.x.x.x.x.br address's.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Moncur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] 2.43 - too many false negatives

> I just installed SA 2.43 and I am dismayed to find that it lets through
> about 25% of the spam I receive -- this with my threshold set to 4.0.

Are many of them from "DailyPromotions" or "HiSpeedMedia"? These are a
couple of big spammers that are focusing on very clean messages with almost
nothing but an image, and are undetected by the default SA rules. I have
some specific rules aimed at them that seem to help. They change their URLS
regularly, but some things stay the same:

uri MGM_DAILY_CGI         /cgi-bin\/dvs.cgi\?email/
describe MGM_DAILY_CGI    mgm: DailyPromotions CGI link
score MGM_DAILY_CGI       3.0

uri MGM_DAILY_PL          /\/logic\/od.pl\?j/
describe MGM_DAILY_PL     mgm: DailyPromotions redirect link
score MGM_DAILY_PL        3.0

header MGM_DAILY_M      X-Mailer-Version =~ /v 15098411/
describe MGM_DAILY_M    mgm: frequent spam header
score MGM_DAILY_M       3.0

body MGM_DISC           /To discontinue the receipt of emails/i
describe MGM_DISC       mgm: Discontinue receipt of emails
score MGM_DISC          2.5

Michael Moncur  mgm at starlingtech.com  http://www.starlingtech.com/
"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument." --William G.

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