I can sure try that, thanks.  And to do this by mail server name, I would
just replace the IP address stuff with /servername/    right?

(I don't know reg exp, what's the ~ for?)  (And no funny answers, guys, this
is a CLEAN mailing list  :)


>From: Steve Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>What about something like:
>header OUR_WEBSERVER    Received =~ /12\.34\.56\.78/
>describe OUR_WEBSERVER  Email from our web server
>score OUR_WEBSERVER     -100

| I'm running SA 2.31 with amavisd-new and postfix on a RH 7.3 server 
| for site-wide spam control.  I have mail coming from a particular web 
| server that uses forms to create emails to our company.  The sender 
| fills in their own email address, so the Received From and Reply To 
| data can be anything, various domains, etc. But the sending mail 
| server is always the same.  How do I whitelist all mail from this 
| server so it isn't scanned?

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