Matt, did you ever deploy SA system-wide and have all_spam_to for some user set? In the case where you scan a mail once before any delivering, SPAM comes through if only one receiver is in all_spam_to and the spammers address goes into your central AWL file with a very low score. The next SPAM from that spammer goes through even if no receiver is in all_spam_to 'cause of the low score in the AWL. In my case I want to scan mail once and later I need to clean/rescan for the very few users that have it own settings. For the majority of users SPAM goes to a special SPAM folder that will be monitored by one person. For the boss I rescan mails with whitelist*/blacklist* settings and put the mail into his Cyrus mailbox (where sieve sort SPAM out to a subfolder). The reason is that any FP for the boss must not go tho the central SPAM folder. Because he lowers scores I dont want to have these scores in my AWL.
cu, Jan Matt Kettler wrote:
Ok, I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm wondering why you're even asking it.
By default if you have different user_prefs files, then you don't have a global AWL database.
The global AWL case only happens if SA is always run as one user, such as root when run from a milter. In which case it always uses the same awl database, but it also always uses the same user_prefs file. (note that user_prefs is not per user addressed in the email, it's per user invoking SA)
If SA is invoked as different users, the AWL database should be ~/.spamassassin/autowhitelist.db. This places a different database in the home directory of each user running SA.
So to customize it in the user_prefs shouldn't even be necessary by default, but I don't see why it would prevent you from doing so.
At 11:53 AM 11/17/2002 +0100, you wrote:
what is the reason for auto_whitelist_path being privileged? I want to
overwrite the setting from the global file in the user_prefs
file. Otherwise whitelist_to will lower scores for SPAM and this will
"poison" my global AWL.
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