Friday, November 15, 2002, 8:37:52 AM, you wrote:

TVD> On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 09:34:15PM -0500, Joe Berry wrote:
>> Thought you might all be interested in seeing a rather good Nigerian
>> spam email.  It's even "customized" with my name in it (except the
>> "Mr." is missing). The spelling errors though spoiled it a bit. I
>> can't imagine a British barrister having such poor English :-).

TVD> It would have been better to attach it instead of pasting, or making a
TVD> bugzilla bug for it and posting it there. :(

I just realized that when I got a copy of the email I sent to this
list.  Oops.

TVD> Anyway, I'm working on a new Nigerian scam set of rules.  This message
TVD> hits all of them so far:


TVD> :)  (In the end, I'm hoping to only have left T_NIGERIAN_9 and one called
TVD> T_NIGERIAN_SUBJECT which I couldn't test on this one since the message
TVD> had no headers...)

I would be very interested in testing that rule. The Nigerians must
love me. I frequently get one of those emails in many different
variant forms. Do you want me to remail the original email I got (as
an attachment this time)?  I could look through my deleted email
folder.  I suspect I might find one or two others that haven't crossed
my purge rule yet.


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