Hello, all.

I am extremely excited to get SpamAssassin running on our mail server
here.  It looks like a _huge_ time saver and a great program.

The problem that I'm having is I've edited my
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf to look like the following...

required_hits 10.0 # DEFAULT=5.0
rewrite_subject 1 # DEFAULT=0
spam_level_stars 1 # DEFAULT=1
spam_level_char * # DEFAULT=*
subject_tag ** SPAM ** # DEFAULT=*****SPAM*****
report_header 1 # DEFAULT=1
defang_mime 0 # DEFAULT=0
use_terse_report 1 # DEFAULT=1
version_tag gkb_v1-20021107

And it's not rewriting the subject like I think it should be.

I know that it's reading /part/ of the local.cf because when I start
spamd (with -d) it shows "is spam? score=5.3 required=10" but...

1) it's not rewriting the subject line with ** SPAM **
2) it's not doing the spam-level like is set in the local.cf

I do see "X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=14.9 required=10.0" in the header.

Any ideas?

If you'd like me to post any of my files please let me know.

Thank you.

Geoff Brisbine

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