I'm having a little problem getting the firsthop tests to work with the
RBL+, I have:

header IHUG_RCVD_IN_RBL_PLUS  rbleval:check_rbl('ihugrblplus', 

header IHUG_X_DUL    rbleval:check_rbl_results_for('ihugrblplus', '')

header IHUG_X_DUL_FH rbleval:check_rbl_results_for('ihugrblplus-firsthop', '')

score IHUG_RCVD_IN_RBL_PLUS          0.01
score IHUG_X_DUL                     2.0
score IHUG_X_RBL_DUL_FH             -2.0
num_check_received      8

However even when I bump num_check_received up to 8 (as above) it still
never matches IHUG_X_RBL_DUL_FH even though the other 2 RBL rules are

However this works:

header IHUG_RCVD_IN_RBL_PLUS    rbleval:check_rbl('ihugrblplus', 
header IHUG_RBL_FH              rbleval:check_rbl('ihugrblfh-firsthop', 
header IHUG_X_DUL               rbleval:check_rbl_results_for('ihugrblplus', 
header IHUG_X_DUL_FH            rbleval:check_rbl_results_for('ihugrblfh-firsthop', 

score IHUG_RBL_FH                    0.01
score IHUG_RCVD_IN_RBL_PLUS          0.01
score IHUG_X_DUL                     2.0
score IHUG_X_DUL_FH             -2.0

But the strange thing is that in the above the IHUG_RBL_FH never matches
even though the IHUG_X_DUL_FH does.

A sample from someone who has this working correctly would be great.

Using 2.43

Simon Lyall.                |  Newsmaster  | Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Network/System Admin |  Postmaster  | Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ihug, Auckland, NZ          | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz

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