At 12:50 AM 11/6/2002 +0100, Andreas Lund wrote:
I'd not advise tinkering with spamphrases, I'd advise making body rules for your own custom stuff. The scoring of the spamphrases rule is strongly coupled to the content of the list, and adding or removing things from that list will completely invalidate the scores, requiring a GA run against a good corpus to get anything useful.Hi,After receiving more and more spam over the past few years, I finally installed SpamAssassin about a month ago. The results have been far better than I could have hoped, so I'm a little afraid of tampering too much with the default settings. However, I have two questions that I can't find answers to in the docs: 1. Exactly how do I add my own spam phrases? Or, to be more specific, what does the number N in 'spamphrase N foo bar' mean?
I don't know offhand exactly what the N represents, but I can tell you that If you really need to know how spamphrases works, read, which contains the check_phrase_freqs sub which is called by the eval in
There isn't a way to do that short of killing and restarting spamd.2. Is there any way to make spamd reload the *.cf files on the fly? It doesn't seem to react very well to -HUP
Really there's two models of running spamassassin
1) use spamassassin, and compile and parse everything per email
2) use spamd and compile and parse everything once per restart of spamd.
Since rule updates aren't intended to be a daily event, there's not currently any support for -HUPing spamd, although that might get added in the future.
Well, really you in theory should only be editing /etc/mail/spamassassin/ or ~/.spamasasssin/user_prefs unless you're doing really out-of-the-norm things. Dynamicaly updated rulesets, which seems to be what you're doing, is not exactly something that could be considered even remotely "normal" usage of SpamAssassin. (yes, spamassassin really is intended to be run with very few tweaks to the ruleset, and whole-version upgrades applied as needed. 99% of users should never need more than 20 custom rules).Btw, it took me a while to figure out that my config files could be named anything as long as they ended with .cf and I put them in the appropriate directory. Maybe the docs could point that out more clearly... :-)
What you are doing is possible, but not exactly within the scope of the original intent of original toolset, so I'm not too surprised that the docs aren't as helpful to you as you'd like. You're really engaging in activity that's really well into the bounds of "developer", and at that point, the source is what you should be referring to.
I agree however that the docs should should VERY clearly tell users NOT to mess with /usr/share/spamassassin (this seems to be what most users want to do the first time they try to add their own rules) and give them some guidance on how you can have multiple .cfs in /etc/mail/spamassassin if needed for advanced configurations.
I'd also suggest that if you are doing some kind of dynamic feed-back auto-rule-update system that you not spend too much effort on making a that utility set for SA until a version of SpamAssassin with bayes is released. Training a Bayesian filter inherently makes the rules pretty dynamic, and should eliminate the any need to be using scripts to hack the .cf files constantly.
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