
you probably want to look at www.exim.org. Exim is used by a lot
of ISP's and the docu is one of the best I've ever seen in the
Open Source community.

Currently I'm using SpamAssassin as global filter. But I'm in the
process of getting the things running for users that have it's
own settings (first scanned with global settings, than do the
re-scan if necessary with the user-settings). Because most of the
user are fine with the global settings this should gives me fewer
scans than running each message once per user.

BTW: In the end, all user should be fully virtual (being only
entries in a LDAP tree).


Harlan Limajliew - MIS wrote:
The following is strictly to represent the scenario -


Replacing our Windows based filter (if you could call it that) that is using a program named Mail Essentials. It does not provide anywhere near the throughput we need (~120/min) and I have been hoping to show our IT director it is time to switch to *nix based solutions on the back end.

Currently we are processing our mail as such:

Several of our domain mx records all point to our "Traffic Cop" - it then directs between 2 of our Mail Essentials machines - on to our virus scanning machine - then to our primary Exchange server.

Internet -> "MX traffic cop" -> "ME1" or "ME2" (aka. Horribly slow and inefficient content filters) -> Antivirus -> Exchange


I have set up a Suse 7.3 machine and basically at this point need to know what components I am going to need - I'm not looking for a detailed how-to, just more along the lines of "this connects to this which connects to this and outputs to this"

This is what I have been trying, without much luck, and I'm sure I'm barking up the wrong tree now

Smptd (receive mail from our mx gateway) -> procmail (to run spamc/spamassassin -p) -> sendmail(?) to forward through to our Antivirus server

Again, I apologize for being a newbie in regards to this, and I'm not looking for a handout - aside from knowing which components I'll need, from that point I have no problem reading man pages until my eyes bleed. Any other advice that can be given will be greatly appreciated, and when I'm done I will provide a write-up of my experience to share with others that may have the same problem.

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