Tom Allison said the following on 21/11/02 10:27:
" has just been launched. is a community resource that provides a database of known spam to be used for testing, developing, and benchmarking anti-spam tools. The goal of this project is to provide a large repository of spam that can be used by researchers and tool developers. In the past, there were a few small personal spam archives that were used. There was no large set of spam that could be used to test new anti-spam algorithms. Thus, developers could not sufficiently test their techniques across a range of messages. Also, the lack of a "standard" sample of spam made it difficult to effectively benchmark anti-spam tools."
That's quite possibly the lamest thing I've seen posted to slashdot all year :-)

Seriously, I hope I don't offend whoever started this project, but finding spam is not that hard. What's hard is making sure it really is all spam, and they say nothing about how they're going to achieve that.

And all they have is an index.html.


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