hello list,

although following the sql-howto on http://www.spamassassin.org i do not
get the spamd to get the sql-configuration from
everytime i start spamd -q -D and do a "cat /tmp/sample-spam.txt | spamc"
(like suggested in the howto)
i get the following error on spamd:

debug: Failed to parse line in SpamAssassin configuration, skipping:
user_score_dsn DBI:mysql:spamassassin:samplehost:3306
debug: Failed to parse line in SpamAssassin configuration, skipping:
user_score_sql_username test
debug: Failed to parse line in SpamAssassin configuration, skipping:
user_score_sql_password xxx
debug: Failed to parse line in SpamAssassin configuration, skipping:
user_score_sql_table userpref

when double-checking with the pods coming with SA and the *.pm my syntax
seems ok;

can anyone give me a hint where exactly the file gets parsed in one of the
*.pm? i think it should be ConfSourceSQL.pm, but i am not very familiar
yet with *.pm;

or, where else can i dig for the fault i am overlooking;

thanx for your help in advance

# Bernhard Thoni
# Telefon: +49 8571 921350 Fax: +49 8571 921351
# Tronic Planet Online Datendienst GmbH / Netzwerktechnik und Support
# http://www.keyserver.de:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3197BC9B


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