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On 2 Nov 2002, Daniel Quinlan wrote:

> Jan Korger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Therefore I suggest adding a rule with a negative score assigned matching
> > spam reports in message bodies. This is especially usefull for SAtalk,
> > better than whitelisting as the latter one would also all spam sent to the
> > list address to pass. (This is true for the AWL as well.) Such a rule
> > would is not very likely ever to be found in a spam message unless
> > spammers do try hard to bypass SA.
> I think that might be *way* too enticing for spammers.  The solution is
> to just exempt SAtalk and other spam-related mailing lists from spam
> filtering.

That's not a good solution, it's a workaround. I understand the
distinguishing between spam and spam related/quoting mails is hard, if not
impossible but I don't want to workaround this by whitelisting (or
not passing to SA at all) SAtalk because this allows any spam sent to the
list to reach me unfiltered and so far this was my first false positive
on SAtalk, so it isn't a big problem anyways. I'll keep the rules in my
personal SA config, so no spammer will know anyways.

> Anyway, the spam that Bob forwarded was going to be marked
> as spam no matter how you handled the SA headers!  He said it was
> assigned a score of 42.5 when he originally received it.  42.5.

He said so, but this must have included DNSRBLs, razor, etc. His mail
quoting the spam message scored about 11 on my box. Still way above 5,

BTW: Is there a simple command stripping the SA results from a mail as
done by 'spamassassin -r'. I want to reprocess my false
positives/negatives on a regular basis to see whether changed rules will
better SA. I reckon it's not a good idea to process them with the results
still in it.

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