Debian installed razor2, so I was surprised when it came up.  I did
spamassassin -r -D and I got a message saying no such file or
directory razor2 needs authentication Mail/Spamassassin/
line 77.

So then I tried to register, but it said my Email was already
registered, so I tried a new one and it said it was successful, but
spamassassin still did not work.  Then I tried razor2-admin -d create
but that didn't work either, so I went back to razor1 for the time

Can you tel me how to get this going?


on Monday 10/28/2002 Theo Van Dinter([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote
 > On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 09:05:15PM -0500, John covici wrote:
 > > I have spamassasin 2.41 but razor2 still is not working.  How do I
 > > get the authentication working, the message it gave was not very
 > > helpful.  I tried to register, but that didn't solve the problem.
 > For checking or for reporting?  What error are you getting?  How are
 > you running spamassassin?  Did you read the Razor2 documentation when
 > you installed it?
 > -- 
 > Randomly Generated Tagline:
 > Real Programmers Practice Safe HEX.

         John Covici

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