
I just did a new install of SpamAssassin and several of the optional modules. I
also upgraded from Perl 5.6.1 to 5.8.0 in order to keep current.

the install went successfully, but when I run the tests at the end I get the
following error:

# spamassassin -t < sample-nonspam.txt > nonspam.out
/usr/local/bin/perl: relocation error:
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/auto/Digest/SHA1/SHA1.so: undefined
symbol: Perl_safemalloc

Does anyone know what I did wrong and more importantly how I might go about fixing
it. my first instict was to reinstall Perl_safemalloc, but I can't seem to figure
out what it is part of.

Thank you in advance!


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