> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Korger [mailto:jan@;korger.de]
> Sent: 27 October 2002 21:15
> To: SpamAssassin ML
> Subject: [SAtalk] What should I report to Razor[2] or similar
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I wonder what messages are supposed to be in razor's db. 
> Should I report
> any spam messages here or only those not recognized by SA? 
> Besides, do you
> guys consider those "news[letters]" or "promotions" or "special offer"
> mailings sent by companies selling via the net spam. I'm 
> thinking of the
> emails from promotion?@amazon.com for example. There are sent to

I believe razor2 assigns scores based on the number of people who report
something as spam, so a single person can't blacklist a legitimate mailing
list.  With something like amazon I guess if enough people think it's spam
then it gets added.  For me it's spam == UCE == Unsolicited Commercial
If I didn't ask for it it's trying to sell something it's spam, no matter
how 'respectable' the company claims to be and no matter how many opt
out links they provide.


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