I tried this and had Much better results on porn spam!  They
tend to be repetitive....They tend to be repetitive....  I
have SA running on my home machine for personal use
(Win2000).  Haven't noticed any more false positives but
this would be worth testing.

----- Original Message -----
From: "William H. Haller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: [SAtalk] End user options that would be useful

> I am using SpamAssassin as a personal filter and really
like it. I made
> a couple of changes that I think might be worthwhile
options for
> end-users. They wouldn't work for ISPs or corporate mail
servers for
> speed and probably frequency of hit reasons, but really
cut down on the
> spam that gets through for an individual who prefers his
e-mail dirt free.
> In PerMsgStatus.pm, I commented out the tests_already_hit
return for
> got_body_pattern_hit and got_uri_pattern_hit. This allows
> and PORN_4 to accumulate multiple hits pushing them way
over the top of
> the Spam limit in effect on my system for most spam
traffic so far. The
> only downside is that this rather simple patch causes the
SPAM header to
> be repeated rather than just giving the higher total score
if the
> spammer wasn't too repetitive. Again, my suggestion would
be for this to
> be a normally disabled option that individuals or families
could set in
> the local.cf file for better filtering.
> I modified the PORN_4 rule to be
> /^https?:\/\/[\w\.\/-]*?(?:xxx|...rest of list...).*/
> which basically adds a / as a possible leading prefix and
isn't as
> restrictive on the end to try to catch these phrases in
the PATH leading
> up to the final images/pages instead of just checking
domain name.
> Need to watch for analog, analysis, and analyst to name a
few at the uri
> level as well in PORN_4. Most other spots already use the
\b to get
> around this problem. Suggest adding pinkcherry and
stickk?yloads to the
> list.
> Could PORN_WORDS be pulled out of the main distribution to
a separate
> file that could be checked for on upgrade and not written
> Finally, a possible new rule -
> body GINGIVITIS                 /gingivitis/i
> describe GINGIVITIS             Cavities aren't enough
> score GINGIVITIS                1.394
> Thanks for the great package - keep up the good work.
> Bill.
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