Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated!

>>Do the logs say anything?  
The log shows that spamc is being called but none of
the checks for spamassassin tests are taking place. In
other words, spamc is just not checking anything.

>>Can you run spamd with a -D option and see
 what comes out from there? 

I will do that and report back...

>>Can you verify that spamc talks to spamd
either through the logs or via a packet sniffer?

How do I do that? I am not a pro at this.
>>I imagine the problem is related to spamc not
talking to spamd for some reason, but the logs would
tell you more about that I think.

I think likewise - spamc is not talking to spamd. I
would appreciate any help how to check why spamc is
not talking to spamd, or how to fix it.

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