I am new to SA. I am using, site wide, SA 2.43.
I want to preserve, from update to update, a few additions we have made
to the whitelist.
I think I need to create a directory "/etc/mail/spamassassin" and create
a .cf file with my additions in it.
What I am unclear on is what the name of this .cf file should be
"60_whitelist.cf"? "65_whitelist.cf"? "mypermanentwhitelist.cf"?
I also do not understand whether sa adds the names in my
/etc/mail/spamassassin/ cf file to those in /usr/share/spamasassin/ or
susbtitutes them.
John Lederer
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Spamassassin-talk mailing list
- Re: [SAtalk] Permanent whitelist--newbie Q's John Lederer
- Re: [SAtalk] Permanent whitelist--newbie Q's Matt Kettler